(As if 120/80 wasn’t HARD ENOUGH to achieve!)

And the #1 secret for healthy blood pressure YOU WILL NEVER HEAR ABOUT — unless you keep reading…

Dear Friend,

When did “120/80” become “high blood pressure?” What the heck is going on…

Fair warning: What you’re about to discover may make your blood boil. Your head spin. And STEAM come out of your ears!

Because the bold-faced LIE I’m about to reveal has spread like wild fire. And since this LIE is disguised as a FACT from “authority” figures like:

…Well, it’s no wonder MILLIONS of Americans — struggling to manage blood pressure — believe it’s GOSPEL.

It’s a sneaky, nasty HOAX — designed to make pharmaceutical fat cats RICHER. Keep you HOOKED for life — and feeling SICKER than ever!

I’m infuriated when I think how it happens EVERY DAY to folks like…


My dear friend Michelle, a 76-year-old vibrant woman who went in for a routine check-up 10 years ago…

…and walked out a PRISONER — with a medicated-for-life sentence — to prescription drugs.

It all started when her doctor told her these 5 words…

“Your blood pressure is high”

And then whipped out the prescription pad.

No talk of what’s going on in her life — like diet changes… no talk of exercise to help her drop 20 or more pounds… and definitely no talk of natural remedies — some with over 6,000 years of success in managing blood pressure!

Michelle’s face-to-face time with her doctor lasted less than 7 minutes — hardly enough time to talk about ANYTHING!

But enough time to scribble prescriptions for blood pressure drugs!

Before she knew it — Michelle was taking THREE powerful blood pressure drugs every day — with a list of side effects to fill this entire page.

And even with the meds, Michelle still couldn’t normalize her blood pressure!

But now — she’s experiencing:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Hacking coughs
  • Low energy
  • Annoying leg cramps
  • Skin rashes
  • Constipation
  • Frequent need to pee
  • And even light sensitivity

So, what did her doctor do about these “side effects?” He prescribed even MORE drugs! Now, she’s feeling sicker than ever and taking 8 powerful drugs every day!

Michelle says she takes her meds and deals with the side effects because she’s afraid of the “Silent Killer”

She felt trapped — scared her high blood pressure now makes her 4 times more likely to die from a stroke … or 3 times more likely to drop dead from heart disease.

Can you relate to Michelle’s story?

Are you one of the 74.5 million Americans… urged, encouraged and lectured to take blood pressure medicines? Told drugs are your only choice?

Are you still struggling to manage your blood pressure — even while taking several powerful prescriptions every day?

Do you want to know the REAL truth about what those drugs are doing to you? If not — then please STOP READING right now!

I mean it. DON’T read another word — if you can’t handle the truth. This is your chance to stay in the dark. Because… once you discover this nasty, little hoax played on folks — just like you…

…You’re going to SEE things a whole different way. And then you’re going to have to make a decision: To be a victim. Or a victor.

Still reading?

Ok good — because I’m about to drop some serious life-saving KNOWLEDGE on you right now. Yes, it’s scary, it’s also empowering.

My name is Virginia Tims-Lawson, Founder of Peak Pure & Natural®. For over 20 years — I’ve worked closely with research teams to uncover unique remedies for optimal health — and I share them with folks like you EVERY day.

One of these amazing remedies is a BLOOD PRESSURE SOLUTION you’re never going to hear about from mainstream medicine. Yet, it’s keeping THOUSANDS of folks healthy and drug-free. More on that later…

Right now I simply MUST tell you about this Blood Pressure HOAX… this LIE that’s robbing your health.

handful of pills

You’ve heard it from your doctor and maybe YOU believed it too. “You can never stop taking your blood pressure medicines. You have to stay on them for life.”

Doctors scare patients into believing once you’re on blood pressure medicines — you can NEVER get off them! But the truth is… that’s just BULL!

Nothing could be FURTHER from the truth. No scientific-based studies ever confirmed it. No clinical trials ever proved it. It’s a hoax. A ploy. A SHAM — especially since…

…according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH)


— the commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs DON’T WORK for 53% of folks who take them!

That’s right — they FAIL to control the blood pressure of OVER HALF the people who use them!

But don’t hate your doctor. It’s not his fault.

Your doctor is merely following orders. Spewing out what the medical experts dictate as the “Gold Standard” of health — the “best” treatments available for blood pressure. But there’s one big problem…

Do you know where the expert guidelines for blood pressure treatment come from? You think it’s from scientific studies, clinical trials and sound research? HA! Think again!

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently dropped a bombshell when they ratted on their own industry. JAMA reported…


a whopping 87% of the “medical experts” making life and death decisions for your blood pressure management… collect big, FAT paychecks from drug companies! They are hired to hawk their drugs!

So of course, your blood pressure protocol is drug… Drug… DRUG because that’s where the money… Money… MONEY is!

JAMA also reported:

Of the 2,700 doctor recommendations on cardiovascular care — including blood pressure management… less than 11% of those recommendations are supported by real scientific evidence!

Your doctor is required to treat you with recommendations from medical experts employed by Big Pharma! And of those recommended drugs and treatments — a whopping 89% of them have little to NO scientific studies, trials or PROOF they actually work!

I don’t know about you — but I certainly wouldn’t jump out of an airplane relying on a parachute with only an 11% chance of working!

As far as Big Pharma is concerned — they don’t need clinical trials or research — they’ve got 74.5 million guinea pigs!

Can you see what this means for YOU? You’re the potential MISTAKE that’s going to cause a FUTURE recall on those drugs.

This is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE!

And get this… When it comes to your blood pressure — all your doctor can say is “let’s TRY this or TRY that…”

That’s because there’s a WHOLE LOTTA MOOLAH when the prescription is drugs… drugs… and more drugs!

Look, I’m not trying to scare you. That’s Big Pharma’s scheme.

I want to empower you to take action and fight for your health!

So here’s what you need to know to naturally control your blood pressure…

You need to know the real secret for healthy blood pressure in your 50s… 60s… 70s… and beyond. And that secret is hidden in your arteries! Those 100,000 miles of arteries, veins and capillaries hold the KEY to your healthy blood pressure!

They determine whether your blood flow looks like this…

sluggish, trickling blood or healthy flowing blood?

Or this…

There’s a reason why blood pressure is called the “Silent Killer”… it’s the silent cause for some of the most crippling health problems you may ever face. Problems like… heart… kidneys … loss of vision… and sexual problems. And these problems affect both men and women.

You see, every organ in your body depends on an unrestricted blood supply. When they don’t get enough blood, they’re starved of the vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen they need to work right and stay healthy.

When elevated blood pressure restricts your blood flow — your organs begin to get weak and start to fail. This is why it is absolutely vital for you to actively manage your blood pressure.

Spoiler ALERT: You won’t have to search high and low for the remarkable remedies you’re about to discover. So don’t worry. They’re all included — in clinically tested doses — in ONE remarkable formula called Peak BP Platinum!

It’s the ONLY all-natural formula that addresses the 4 main causes of your blood pressure problems!

— From the desk of Virginia Tims-Lawson —

No mainstream doctor or medical institution on the payroll of Big Pharma will EVER tell you this…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

You can enjoy NORMAL blood pressure. With NATURAL remedies. Without nasty side effects! It’s not wishful thinking — it’s a cold, hard — and now SCIENTIFIC fact!

And the great news: Peak BP Platinum — performs these remarkable tasks — without nasty side effects!

Please keep reading this special report. The life-saving discoveries you’re going to read about have been a GODSEND for my family… my friends… and thousands of folks — just like you — who want to manage blood pressure as safely as possible.


Virginia Tims-Lawson
Virginia Tims-Lawson
Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®

P.S. The BEST thing about Peak BP Platinum? You will SEE results — GUARANTEED!

You can take your blood pressure before you start to use Peak BP Platinum — and then again as you continue to take this remarkable formula.

Those systolic and diastolic numbers going DOWN will prove to you — without a shadow of a doubt — Peak BP Platinum works for YOU!

Your blood pressure will never become normal — if you don’t put out the fire in your arteries!

Fortunately, Mother Nature knows this and delivers a simple yet remarkable, all-natural way to douse the fire. And POWERFUL doesn’t come close to describing the artery-healing benefits from green tea extract!

green tea extract

Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine have relied on the inflammation-fighting power of green tea to treat patients for numerous health problems for over 6 centuries! But what makes green tea so potent?

Modern scientists discovered green tea contains powerful polyphenols called catechins — which act like nature’s firefighters.

Numerous research CONFIRMS regular use of high potency green tea can douse inflammation and normalize blood pressure like never before. Here’s the proof…

…In an analysis of 13 randomized control trials on 1,367 participants — researchers concluded…

…“Green tea consumption significantly decreases systolic blood pressure.”

But please know this: just sipping green tea won’t cut it.

A recent study conducted at the prestigious Poznan University in Poland identified the EXACT dose of green tea extract you need to lower blood pressure.

Researchers found the “sweet spot” of success lies in potent doses of 379 mg a day. With that exact dose — the hypertensive participants experienced a reduction in both systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) numbers!

Their results — printed in Nutrition Research — stated:

Nutrition Research

Three months of green tea extract supplementation had a significant influence on cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure.

And, there’s no need to search for this exact brand and dose that’s scientifically proven to work! You get 379 mg of potent green tea extract — same dosage used in scientific trials — in every serving of Peak BP Platinum!

Harry A.

“You’ve got a happy customer!”

“I have tried Peak BP Platinum, and my blood pressure went down to its normal reading. I will continue to use this product.”

— Harry A., 75, Detroit, MI

Martin L.

“My leg pain is almost gone!”

“Improved blood circulation in my legs, has greatly reduced the pain I was feeling.”

— Martin L., 87, The Villages, FL

But you can’t just stop at clobbering inflammation for healthy blood pressure — you’ve got to tackle Stiff Arteries

Grab a rubber band and snap it. That’s how your arteries should be. Flexible, pliable, even a little spongey — NOT stiff like lead pipes!

Flexible elastic artery vs. Stiff brittle artery

Movement in your arteries — with a healthy balance of fluids — encourages healthy blood flow. But what’s one of the FIRST drugs doctors prescribe to lower your blood pressure? Diuretics!

So — now you’re peeing out LOTS of fluids to lower blood volume and pressure. And you’re also losing essential minerals — like potassium and magnesium — that can cause arteries to lose elasticity! This creates a REBOUND effect and shoots your blood pressure through the roof!

Science Daily

A research study printed in Science Daily recently concluded that vascular stiffness is a major cause of hypertension.

But can stiff, rigid arteries ever become flexible again?

YES! And it’s all thanks to a remarkable nutrient discovery called pterostilbene — pronounced “Terro-still-bean”

Scientist’s uncovered red wine contains a high concentration of the potent antioxidant called resveratrol. But here’s what they didn’t uncover — until much later:

Pterostilbene — the hidden twin sister of resveratrol — was pulling a lot of that weight! In fact, pterostilbene is even MORE powerful at protecting arteries… cardiovascular health… and blood pressure!

grape seed

You can find pterostilbene in grape seed… but it’s even more abundant… more concentrated… and more bio-available in the skin of blueberries!

And research continues to show pterostilbene works in amazing ways to protect your arteries and cardiovascular health. Take a look at just a few…

  • Reduces water retention and supports healthy blood pressure” — Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
  • Prevents cell damage — and even destroys abnormal cells” — Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • 100 mg lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure”University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
CHART: Pterostilbene + Grape Seed Extract reduces Blood Pressure

When a nutrient has been scientifically shown to:

  • Keep arteries flexible — to accommodate blood flow
  • Reduce water retention naturally
  • And help you experience normal blood pressure

That’s a MUST-HAVE nutrient to help you manage YOUR blood pressure!

Pterostilbene is backed by human clinical trials.

So you can be sure you’re going to experience similar results when you use the exact form and dosage to manage your blood pressure with Peak BP Platinum.

Ok — so you know how to naturally reduce fire in your arteries with green tea extract — and keep arteries flexible with pterostilbene.

Carl S.

“My wife takes Peak BP Platinum now!”

“Definite improvement on my total wellbeing! Wife also taking the product. Helps with alertness as well.”

— Carl S., 84, Henderson, NV

Manuel L.

Before Peak BP Platinum: Pressure high. After: Pressure normal. Enough said!

“My blood pressure, which was high, is now normal for me. Thank you.”

— Manuel L., 78, Woodburn, OR

Now — you’ve got to OPEN those arteries W‑I‑D‑E…

When you celebrate your 100th birthday — make sure to thank these 3 Nobel Prize-winning scientists!

Scientists Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad

Why? Because they discovered 2 magic letters that literally OPEN blood vessels! It’s called “N-O” — more specifically nitric oxide — and it’s a critical key for optimum blood flow!

You see, these scientists discovered that without adequate levels of N-O… blood flow is a NO GO — because arteries simply can’t open wide!

It’s in that one-cell thick lining of your blood vessels — called the endothelium — where your body creates nitric oxide! And it’s nitric oxide that gives the signal for blood vessels to dilate!

Without N-O — artery walls stay narrow and compressed… blood barely trickles through… and your blood pressure shoots sky high!

Japanese research discovered by your 70th birthday — your N-O production declines by a whopping 75%! While your N-O levels take a nosedive — your risk for cardiovascular disasters skyrocket.

It’s NO coincidence — it’s a N-O deficiency!

So how do you get more N-O?

Unfortunately — you can’t just take a nitric oxide pill. N-O is a GAS — not a nutrient. What’s more… it’s got a lifespan of less than 1 second — so you can’t store up N-O in your cells for later use!

Your endothelium needs critical nutrients ON HAND to constantly produce N-O. Here’s the good news, nature contains a powerhouse nutrient that floods your endothelium with those critical building blocks — so you can create N-O on demand!

And you can get a PREMIER form of this spectacular nutrient — in every serving of Peak BP Platinum. It’s called MegaNatural®-BP Grape Seed Extract and it’s exclusively used in scientific studies and clinical trials!

The powerhouse of nutrients found in grapeseed extract include polyphenols… phytonutrients… and antioxidants to nurture… rejuvenate… and even protect your endothelium from foreign invaders! What’s more…

University of California, Davis  study reports: MegaNatural®-BP Grape Seed Extract lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure in men and women!

MegaNatural(R)-BP Reduces Blood Pressure in Men and Women

Take a look at what research from the University of California, Davis discovered… in this study, patients with metabolic syndrome were divided in two groups:

Group One was given 150 mg of MegaNatural®-BP. Group Two received a placebo. In just 4 weeks the MegaNatural®-BP group experienced a 12 point drop in systolic blood pressure and a 6.8 point drop in diastolic pressure!

The placebo group experienced little to no significant improvement.

Blood samples showed the MegaNatural®-BP group experienced a significant increase in polyphenols — a powerful class of phytonutrients shown to normalize cholesterolbalance blood sugar levels… and enhance total cardiovascular health!

You get the exact dose of 150 mg of MegaNatural®-BP used in clinical trials — in every serving of Peak BP Platinum!

Donald H.

“Works better than the rest!”

“It seems to have helped me support my blood pressure better and keep it in the normal range.”

— Donald H., 84, Sequim, WA

Elizabeth M.

“Don’t expect to hear this from Big Pharma!”

“I love it. In less than one month my blood pressure dropped way down! I really think Peak BP Platinum is great for me! The medical profession is not interested in hearing about what alternative remedies has to offer. I say Thank God for all alternative info. We need a strong check on Big Pharma.”

— Elizabeth M., 80, Onalaska, WI

Do this ONE thing to sweep calcium from your arteries — and get stronger bones as a BONUS…

You know when you’ve got optimum levels of calcium in your bones — you feel strong as an ox. But if that same calcium builds up in your arteries… Watch out! You’re in serious danger!

Fortunately — Mother Nature KNOWS this.

That’s why your body contains a remarkable “shuttle service” — with the job of moving calcium to good areas — and removing it out of bad ones.

This shuttle service is called Vitamin K2!

Arterial Stiffness Reduced with Vitamin K2

You probably know Vitamin K is the blood-clotting nutrient found in green, leafy vegetables. It’s a very important nutrient — but that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Vitamin K2 — known as menaquinone — is very different. Vitamin K2 controls calcium utilization in your body. Yes… the calcium that binds to cholesterol and other substances to thicken and narrow the walls of your arteries… then harden, break off and block healthy blood flow!

Now, Vitamin K2 contains many subtypes including MK-1 through MK-13.

The subtype of vitamin K2 you need for healthy blood vessels is MK-7.

That’s very important because Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is what clinical research shows will remove calcium deposits out of your arteries!

High vitamin K2 levels = less calcium in arteries!

You can get Vitamin K2 from foods — but the sheer AMOUNT of food you’d have to eat would pack on the pounds and put you in the poor house!

To get the OPTIMUM, scientific dose of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 you need to help clear your arteries… you’d have to gorge on a buffet of…

52 pounds of beef… 21 cups of yogurt… 53 egg yolks… or 8.7 gallons of milk — EVERY DAY! Or — you can take just 1 capsule of Peak BP Platinum!

Pretty simple solution! You get the exact form of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 scientifically shown to remove calcium deposits in arteries… in the exact doses used in clinical trials…

…to keep calcium out of your arteries — and shuttle that calcium back to your bones… where it belongs… with just ONE capsule of Peak BP Platinum!

Cyril H.

“You saved my life!”

“Thank you for telling me about Peak BP Platinum. I ordered 3 bottles and I’m feeling much better. You have saved my life. And again a big thank you! Virginia you are my friend forever.

— Cyril H., Bethlehem, PA

Neil B.

“I Feel Fantastic!”

“I have been taking this for about 6 months and feel fantastic. I don’t take any prescription meds from Doctors as they make me sicker. I will continue taking supplements as long as they help me…”

— Neil B., 71, Aurora, CO

My friend — for a natural way to:

  • DOUSE inflammation in blood vessels!
  • Keep arteries soft and FLEXIBLE!
  • Open arteries WIDE for optimum blood flow!
  • REMOVE sticky calcium plaque out of arteries!
  • And give folks — just like you — an amazing arsenal for healthy blood pressure management…

…It just doesn’t get any better — or easier — than taking ONE capsule of Peak BP Platinum a day!

Special Introductory Offer!

Try Peak BP Platinum 100% RISK FREE with our NO BULL Guarantee!

When it comes to your blood pressure — the numbers don’t lie!

You can SEE your numbers BEFORE taking Peak BP Platinum… and then what it is AFTER you take this amazing blood pressure formula. There’s no need to make ridiculous claims.

Your numbers will SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES! It really is a no brainer.

But you’ve got to use Peak BP Platinum to SEE those results! And I know…

Wesley H.

“Blood Pressure Great!”

“I ordered a 4-month supply and every blood pressure check to date has been great! I’m impressed that your product has delivered the advertised results as promised, and will continue to use Peak BP Platinum in the future. Thanks for the natural cure and peace of mind.”

— Wesley H., 64, Baudette, MN

Janet M.

“The Best!”

Peak BP Platinum is the best! My BP has improved so much that after only 4 bottles I’m off one medication. I’ll keep taking it.“

— Janet M., 72, Aitkin, MN

…Actions speak louder than words!

So — I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I want you to sample Peak BP Platinum — at absolutely NO RISK to you!

And here’s why… I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can maintain healthy blood pressure — using Nature’s remarkable remedies!

When you try Peak BP Platinum for healthy blood pressure… I’m confident you’ll SEE and FEEL the difference yourself. You’ll SEE YOUR own blood pressure numbers in the normal range.

And, without the annoying side effects of prescription medications like…

Like so many folks who take Peak BP Platinum regularly — you’ll want to make this remarkable 4-in-1 formula part of your daily healthy blood pressure routine, too! So here are 4 reasons why NOW is the best time to try Peak BP Platinum


Reason #1

Money Back Guarantee!

RESULTS are GUARANTEED! You MUST experience a noticeable and significant improvement in your blood pressure numbers. You read it right. It’s got to work for you… real, significant results that leave you THRILLED!

Take as long as you need to try it… if you’re not convinced Peak BP Platinum is doing the job… you PAY NOTHING! You get a 100% refund of your purchase price. No questions asked. No kidding!

Can you see I’m serious about this — and stand behind Peak BP Platinum 100%? I sure hope so!


Reason #2

Get FREE Shipping!

Peak Pure & Natural® pays for shipping and handling within the United States! An $8.95 savings! Shipping is always FREE when you purchase 3 or more bottles!*

The absolute EASIEST decision you can make today!

You have absolutely NOTHING to lose when you give Peak BP Platinum a try.

You’ve got my 100% GUARANTEE on that!

When a product works as well as Peak BP Platinum — well, it’s easy to offer the strongest guarantee available. And that’s exactly what you get! Here it is…

Click Here right now and claim your introductory supply of Peak BP Platinum. Now, here’s where this offer is simply UNBEATABLE…

…Use Peak BP Platinum FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. You must SEE and FEEL real, significant and dramatic improvements in your blood pressure readings. No ridiculous deadlines to stress you out. Take your time.

If you are EVER dissatisfied with your results — 30… 60… 90 days — or a YEAR from now… just return the bottles (new, open, or empty) — even if you’re down to your very LAST capsule!

I’m confident you’ll SEE and FEEL the difference yourself as so many of our clients do every day.

Peak Pure & Natural® will promptly refund your entire purchase price — that’s a 100% refund!

Quite honestly, Peak Pure & Natural® would go out of business making that kind of promise if Peak BP Platinum didn’t work!

So you can see I am 100% confident you will be THRILLED with your results!

We Take Your Satisfaction Seriously!

We take customer satisfaction very seriously at Peak Pure & Natural®. That’s why we regularly monitor and update results on how well Peak BP Platinum is working for our customers:

Satisfaction rate 93.1%

That means for every 100 orders of Peak BP Platinum sold — only about 7 orders are returned by customers for a FULL, no questions asked refund of the purchase price.

With this very high customer satisfaction rating — it’s easy to offer a 100% money back guarantee!

We’re confident Peak BP Platinum will help you experience healthy blood pressure. If you’re not absolutely pleased with your results — you PAY NOTHING!

Your satisfaction is an utmost concern,

Beth C. signature

Beth C.
Customer Satisfaction Manager, Peak Pure & Natural®

P.S. Click Here to claim your introductory supply today!

Victim… or VICTOR?
You decide!

You’ve got everything you need right now to win the battle with your blood pressure. A natural remedy — with scientifically backed nutrients in the optimum doses. You can soon be among the thousands of folks living a vibrant and healthy life with normal blood pressure. Folks like…

William L.

…William L., from Elkhorn, NE who says…

“At 70 — I’m still tackling college kids!”

“I have run a charity football camp since I was injured in the pros. My blood pressure was high. At age 70, I still scrimmage twice weekly against our 300 lb. college defensive linemen. Peak BP Platinum works!”

Eveline M.

…or 85-year-old Eveline M., who hails from Sweetwater, AL and reports she…

“Noticed results in less than 2 weeks!”

“I have been taking Peak BP Platinum for about two weeks, but so far I am very pleased with it. My blood pressure has come down so that makes me very happy.”

Alvin B.

…and Culpeper, VA resident Alvin B., simply states…

“I feel better!”

Peak BP Platinum is helping me keep my blood pressure in the normal range without blood pressure medications. I feel better!”

William S.

…and 75-year-old William S., from Opa Locka, FL says he no longer gets stressed when he puts on that cuff because he knows he’s got…

“Nice, boring, NORMAL blood pressure. I like that!”

“I like your Peak BP Platinum. It works very well. My blood pressure stays in the normal range.”

Peak BP Platinum — scientifically formulated to:

  1. Keep arteries soft and flexible!
  2. Douse inflammation!
  3. Rev up nitric oxide production to OPEN arteries!
  4. Remove calcium plaque that narrows blood vessels!

    Supplement Facts Label    

Peak BP Platinum (TM) Label

I can’t wait to hear about your RESULTS!

Just Click Here right now and claim your introductory supply of Peak BP Platinum. I promise you this:

The end of your blood pressure worries — and the beginning of a whole life of vibrant health and vitality…

…Starts TODAY when you Click Here.

So, please don’t put off this RIGHT and SIMPLE decision any longer. I promise you won’t regret it.

Yours for boring, normal BP,

Virginia Tims-Lawson
Virginia Tims-Lawson
Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®

P.S. Keeping your blood pressure normal is the BEST thing you can do for your entire health! And you can get targeted blood pressure nutrients — at optimum doses — and backed by scientific proof — in every serving of Peak BP Platinum!

Please take advantage of this personal invitation to try Peak BP Platinum — and save a BOATLOAD of money to boot! Click Here now!

Keeping blood vessels healthy won’t cost you an arm or a leg, either!

You simply won’t find any other formula to address the 4 main causes of your blood pressure problems — all in one easy to take capsule. Only Peak BP Platinum includes ingredients scientifically shown to:

happy energetic couple
  • Soften and rejuvenate stiff blood vessels!
  • Douse inflammation in your arteries!
  • Stimulates Nitric Oxide production to keep your arteries wide OPEN!
  • Shuttle calcium out of arteries — and back to your bones!

What’s more…

…Even if you could purchase these nutrients individually — you’d spend well over $100 a month and take a fistful of pills. And — you still won’t get the optimum doses used in clinical trials!

For as little as $0.83 a day — you get peace of mind. You KNOW you’re getting the optimum nutrients — scientifically shown — to manage your blood pressure naturally!

Click Here to claim your introductory supply of Peak BP Platinum today!


Peak Pure & Natural®
Healthy Blood Pressure Savings Certificate
Lifetime Money Back Triple Guarantee

[✓] YES! I want a natural and scientifically proven way to experience healthy blood pressure! And help me fight off inflammation and calcium deposits that narrow my arteries, too!


*FREE US shipping on orders of 3 or more. Canadian orders incur $14.95 S&H. All other International orders incur $24.95 S&H.

Joan T.

“I feel much better since taking Peak BP.”

“I have been troubled with high blood pressure for a few years. I am not able to tolerate prescription blood pressure meds. They really react bad on me, so I have tried about 4 different natural meds none have helped much. Since taking Peak BP Platinum I feel much better.”

— Joan T., 80, Traverse City, MI

Loretta J.

“My Blood Pressure Has Dropped Tremendously”

“Since I started taking the Peak BP Platinum my blood pressure has dropped tremendously. I went to the doctor in June of this year and my blood pressure was 122/55. He could not believe it and neither could I. To God be the Glory!! He told me whatever I was doing to keep doing it. Thank you very much for this great product.”

— Loretta J., age 63, Paris, TX

Shirley G.

“Tried Peak BP Platinum and Am Pleased”

“I tried Peak BP Platinum and am well pleased that it keeps my blood pressure in a normal range. BP Platinum and regular exercise works for me. Thanks.”

— Shirley G., age 76, Atlanta, TX


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