Elon Musk Keeps Dishing Dirt on Twitter, This Time About Election Interference


Elon Musk continues to tweet dirt, and on Wednesday he confirmed what many have known for years. The social media company, which aims to push a particular outcome, has been deliberately interfering with elections.

If you remember being a political follower in the early 2021s, there was a story about a secret cabal that conspired to rig 2020’s election results. Click here to see my write-up. This is how TIME described the story.

In relation to Twitter, the key phrase is “steer media coverage” and “control the flow of information.” Musk seems eager to expose all that the old regime did.

Twitter has done more than anyone can possibly keep track of. Evidently, Twitter’s policy against COVID-19 misinformation was a major source of bias until Musk stopped it. Nothing can compare to what social media companies did regarding the Hunter Biden story. It’s amazing to see how far they went in suppressing what was clearly true information to benefit Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Was there any justification for the thought back then? All the bizarre Hunter Biden photos were photoshopped? The emails that contained lots of evidence of corruption in them were faked. The computer shop that sold the laptop and Hunter Biden’s signed signature on an intake form were part of a massive rightwing conspiracy. It didn’t take much forensic research to determine that the laptop was real. Yet, it was still treated by Twitter and other information sources as Russian “disinformation”.

Donald Trump was defeated in the end by three states with just tens and thousands of votes. What would have been the outcome if the story had been suppressed and there was a week-long media onslaught over the laptop? Although we won’t know the outcome, it is clear that there was a week-long media onslaught over the laptop.

Musk is hated for breaking that monopoly. Twitter has been trusted for over a decade to control its content to benefit Democrats. While Instagram and TikTok are larger sites by total usage, Twitter is the most popular site in politics (aside from the grannies who share memes). The left has lost one its most powerful tools in the information warfare, and it won’t go quietly. Apple is making suggestions to remove Twitter from its App Store and threatening advertisers with boycotts. This is just the beginning of the battle.