Missouri Is Fighting All Sorts Of Woke Leaders From Taking Over The Classroom


Missouri has been fighting all sorts of ‘woke’ trying to reach the classroom. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt recently filed a class-action lawsuit against the Columbia Public Schools District for implementing mask mandates, even though it flies in the face of science given children’s low risk of illness, death, and transmission. He has also sued Jackson County, Kansas City, and St. Louis County and City for implementing mask mandates.

AG Schmitt said forcing schoolchildren to mask all day hinders critical development that is recognized in facial cues and expressions. He called mask mandates on schoolchildren downright unlawful, as well as arbitrary and capricious. He said it, at best, has a marginal impact on the spread of COVID-19 but that it causes impairments in schoolchildren.

“We filed this suit today because we fundamentally don’t believe in forced masking, rather than parents and families should have the power to make decisions on masks, based on science and facts. I am committed to fighting back against this kind of government overreach. Americans are free people, not subjects,” AG Schmitt said.

Schmitt said that his lawsuit comes two days after dozens of Columbia Public School parents gathered outside of the school district to protest an end to mask requirements for the new school year, which started for them on Tuesday. Parents want an end to the expanded government power that has been proven to fail in protecting its citizens. After a year of gathering evidence on whether or not schools need to implement masks, government officials and school districts are still making decisions that are not based on sound facts and data.

Educators in the Springfield, Mo., school district are also suing their employer for requiring them to take a Critical Race Theory Training that tells them to vote for socialist candidates. The educators said the training violates their First Amendment rights and had a lawsuit filed on their behalf by the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

Kimberly Hermann, SLF chief counsel, shared that the school district required employees from a bus driver all the way up to an AP history teacher to do equity and anti-racist training. She argued that the training violated the teacher’s rights by compelling them to agree with illegal documents and violate the “students’ equal protection rights.” She explained how educators were taught to place each child on an “oppression matrix” and then put yourself on an oppression matrix. They called on people to identify being a white supremacist if they voted for Donald Trump or called the cops on a person of color.

The training even taught educators to share socialist ideas and “vote for socialist candidates,” while encouraging them to teach those socialist ideas to kids as young as four or five years old. It forces educators to self-censor their beliefs and be forced to accept other beliefs that they may not agree with.

School districts have gotten more corrupt and controlled by the year. Between radical left school unions and the Democratic leaders in power, the public school system needs to be torn down and rebuilt by the GOP. Mandatory masking may be the end of public school.