Sacramento City Unified Schools Reimpose Mask Mandate Indefinitely


After a two-month period of masking being made optional, the Sacramento City Unified Schools District (SCUSD), reimposed its mandate to wear a mask on Monday.

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), placed California’s Sacramento County in a “high risk” category. They recommended that people wear a mask indoors. The school district returned the mandate to wear a mask, while officials claimed that they were simply following science. The district removed the mandate in April, but informed parents about the decision to reinstate forced masking last week.

“The case rate is 8x higher now than it was in mid-April when the District lifted its masking mandate and hospitalizations have increased up to 12.1 per 100,000 people,” said the district, asking students to wear masks last week.

District stated that it was based on current trends and is meant to reduce the spread of Covid-19 within schools and communities.

“We follow the science. Jorge Aguilar, Superintendent of SCUSD, stated that they are following the data. “This is a matter of public health. We are all part of a larger community.

Despite ongoing debate about the effectiveness of forced masking Aguilar presented a “greater benefit” argument that justified the school district’s actions.

He stated that he knew that the strong sentiments expressed by both sides of the issue were real. This is what he was seeing and hearing in his email inbox. “But, again, I hope that this is a reminder for all of us that it is in the best interests of our community.”

Even the CDC admits that cloth and surgical masks have the lowest effectiveness — something Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted privately at the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus epidemic.

He wrote that “the typical mask you can buy at the drugstore is not really effective for keeping out virus,” in a February 2020 email to Sylvia Burwell, former Secretary of U.S. Health and Human Services.

The University of Waterloo reported that both surgical and cloth masks are about 10 percent effective at blocking exhaled aerosols. Florida, however, has not had a mandatory statewide mask mandate, but it did report a lower rate of new cases of this virus per capita over pro-mask states. The Sunshine State was also frequently ranked as the state with the lowest rate of new cases per capita across the nation.