New Hampshire’s RINO Governor in Firestorm After Slamming Trump as Crazy


Gov. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is facing some backlash for comments he made about Donald Trump on Saturday. He now claims it was all in fun. Maybe it wasn’t. Sununu is the Granite State’s Mitt Romney. He is a representative of all that is wrong in the Republican Party establishment, just like Romney. Sununu is eager to support the Left’s policies and views and Republicans who aren’t part of it as his political enemies. They are.

Chris Sununu is from a New Hampshire Republican family. That’s part of the problem. John H. Sununu was his father and governor of New Hampshire between 1983 and 1989. He then served as George H. W. Bush’s chief of staff. John E. Sununu was Chris’s brother and he was a New Hampshire senator, congressman, and later a senator. Chris is not known for being the sharpest knife in a drawer. He is the Fredo of his family.

Fredo was fighting for his life Saturday night at the Gridiron Dinner. After praising Trump for his “experience”, “passion” and “senses of integrity,” he abruptly changed his tone to “Nah, it’s just kidding.” Sununu continued to rant about Trump’s “f***ing insane” and added: “The media often asks me if Donald Trump is crazy. Sununu continued, “The press often asks me if I think Donald Trump is crazy. But I won’t lie to you. I don’t believe he’s that insane that you can put him in a mental facility. He wouldn’t get out of a mental institution, I believe.

Sununu is feeling the heat since the laughter stopped. Sununu, who is not known for having much of a spine has been backtracking madly. He said Monday that it was all a joke on a New Hampshire podcast. “Look. He’s not crazy, I think. It’s all for fun. It’s all a joke. Anyone who tries to make this more than it really is either doesn’t get Gridiron Dinner or needs to be more lighthearted.

Sununu decided that that wasn’t enough. He went on another show to demand that anyone who takes jokes too seriously should be more lighthearted. It’s a roast. It was fun. I joked about my family, myself, and Republicans just as much as I did about Democrats and Joe Biden. AOC and Bernie Sanders were also fun.

Sure. Sununu has been vocal in his opposition to Trump’s claims, but this isn’t the first time he has done so. Fox News reported that Sununu has reacted to Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Trump stated that he was not afraid of COVID. Sununu responded, “Don’t let COVID dominate your life!”

So, Sununu doesn’t like Trump. It’s not just Trump. “Sununu upset national Republicans by vowing to veto a congressional map that would have made the 1st Congressional District of the state, which the GOP’s aiming for flipping from blue to red this year, more competitive for Republicans.” Only those who desire a real choice in New Hampshire or Washington are eligible, and not those who accept the existing establishment hegemony.

Sununu is also annoyed by America-First Republicans of New Hampshire, whom Sununu dismisses as “libertarians”. In August 2021 Sununu said: “The Libertarians don’t belong to the Republicans.” They each have their own party and their own place. They are not Republicans. Okay? They like to pretend they are Republicans. They aren’t. They are not even remotely.” It all depends on who takes control of the party.

Sununu will have his way and the Republican Party will remain a sad assemblage of Romneyites country clubbers, me-tooers, and yes-men much like it is today. His mockery against Trump was mockery for all those who desire to see an alternative in American politics, and a resurgence candidate pool who will put the best interest of the country first, not their own bottom line or utopian internationalist fantasies.