The CDC Data Nobody Is Talking About Raises Urgent Questions for Bureaucrats


Many of us can recall when Dr. Anthony Fauci said that “herd immunity” could require 90% of Americans receiving COVID-19 vaccines. First, this is a complete reinterpretation of what “herd immunity” means since it isn’t a static concept. It was a valid goal to attain near-zero COVID-19. However, it only meant that 90% of the population had to have an immune response to COVID-19. Fauci, CDC and other health agency bureaucrats define this response as having detectable circulating antibody.

If this is true, then why aren’t there two seroprevalence trials on the CDC website. They raise questions about the response of the public to the pandemic, current statistics and the immune response individuals have after receiving vaccines. These two studies measured detectable antibodies in the nation’s population.

First, the commercial laboratory study that is used to identify people who have recovered from infection. A person must be positive for both the N, or nucleocapsid antibodies, and the S, (or spike protein) antibody to be considered antibody-positive. The second was the blood donor study. This looked at both people who had recovered and those who had vaccinated. This study used N antibody to distinguish between the vaccinated and the recovered.

According to a commercial lab study, 33.1% to 34% of the population had circulating antibodies after a COVID infected as of 12/26/2021. Children aged 17 years and younger have 44% of the antibodies that are evidenced from previous infection. It is important to note that nearly half of children aged under 17 have recovered immunity and less than 1,000 children have died in the past two years. Pfizer and Dr. Fauci have suggested giving infants and toddlers three doses each of an experimental vaccine. Randi Weingarten, president of the teachers’ union, wants to see 80% of school-age children vaccinated before any masks are removed.

Interesting part about the analysis is the fact that immunity levels are cumulative. The CDC insists that there is not enough data to support sustained immunity for more than 90 days. To travel to the U.S., you must have a negative test within one day of your departure. You also need proof that you have recovered from COVID in the past 90 days. The study shows that the estimated acquired immunity does not decrease.

According to the blood donor study, 94% of all Americans have recovered or been vaccinated as of February 8, 2022. The population immunity estimates are unchanged, as they have been repeatedly.

However, studies and the CDC have found that vaccine effectiveness decreases with time. The CDC announced that boosters have waned after just four months on Friday

The booster shots were highly effective in fighting moderate and severe covid-19 for approximately two months, according to researchers. The study found that their effectiveness decreased significantly after four months. This suggests the need to use additional boosters.

The study showed that 91% of vaccines prevented a person being admitted to hospital within the first two months following a booster shot. However, after four months of protection, it dropped to 78%.

Protective measures to prevent trips to emergency rooms and urgent care centers fell more, from 87% within the first two months to 66% in four months. Although vaccine effectiveness dropped to 31% after five months, researchers pointed out that this estimate was not accurate because there were very few data available for this group.

First, seroprevalence does not decrease over time. Then why is the vaccine so effective? Why are health officials discussing additional boosters when there is such high levels in vaccinated and rehabilitated immunity? Johns Hopkins’s update on natural immunity shows that nearly two years after recovery, patients with recovered immunity have circulating antibodies against COVID.

With the Omicron variant, which is highly transmissible, this question becomes more pressing. Johns Hopkins study participants had 11% who were COVID naive or unvaccinated. The U.K. used the absence of a reaction against the S protein to determine if Omicron was detected rather than Delta by PCR tests. South African health officials believed that there was a new COVID variant after four foreigners failed to respond to the S gene testing.

Scientists have not yet been able to determine if Omicron-infected COVID-naive individuals can detect S antibodies using current tests. This question must be answered by researchers to accurately assess seroprevalence. My personal online conversations and real-life interactions have shown that a high percentage of COVID infections has been reported in the past 30 percent. This is true regardless of whether the person was vaccinated.

The second question is whether N antibodies are sufficient to rule out infection in vaccine-vaccinated people. The ZOE COVID study found that one fifth of the patients who have been vaccinated do not have N antibodies. In late 2021, the U.K. Health Security Agency released a report that stated that patients who had COVID recovered after two doses of vaccine had fewer N antibodies than those who were not vaccinated. The CDC reports that vaccines have been available for more than a year and that 80.5% of Americans aged over 5 have received at least one dose. How can the CDC be sure that it captures all post-vaccination infection using its current study model?

Final question: If Dr. Fauci has achieved the 90% goal of expressing immunity through vaccination or recovery, then why is 98% still considered high-transmission according to the CDC

The CDC has data about seroprevalence, which is a good thing. There should be a lot of questions as to why the CDC is not using it to manage the pandemic and make recommendations or assess overall risk. How can less than 10% of the population be responsible for the deaths, transmission and hospitalization numbers that the agency and media report? This is especially true when unvaccinated individuals are often younger than 40 and less likely be diagnosed with severe illness or death.

The agency also states that vaccines can prevent serious illness and death. Multiple studies have shown that vaccines can also provide protection from recovered immunity. According to the CDC’s transmission map, how is it possible that we are still in a high risk situation? Is it a safe threshold to have more than 100 positive test results per 100,000 people? Why is the agency considering percent positive on testing as an indicator, even though there are varying test rates across the country.

It is alarming enough that the data on seroprevalence exists, but the health bureaucrats don’t discuss it. It is astonishing that it has not changed anything about the agency risk assessment, pandemic response or vaccine program.